Terms Of Service

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using Our Service.

Scope and Applicability
Frameloop is a product developed by AccuHire. These general terms and conditions ("GTC") apply to all services provided by Frameloop and its parent company, AccuHire ("AccuHire").
Frameloop ("Frameloop") offers a platform for creating and editing videos. It uses AI to significantly streamline the video production process using an AI system ("Software"). The Software includes a variety of tools ("Tools") designed to assist Frameloop's clients ("Customers") in making videos. Frameloop provides Customers access to its web platform ("Platform"), enabling Customers to utilize the Software as a service. Frameloop's services are exclusively governed by these general terms and conditions ("GTC") and the specific agreements made with Customers through Frameloop's website or directly between the parties. The current version of these GTC will apply to all future dealings between the parties, even if not explicitly reaffirmed. Frameloop does not accept any differing Customer terms and conditions unless expressly agreed in writing. Differing Customer terms only apply if explicitly accepted by Frameloop in writing. This also stands even if Frameloop provides access to the Platform or services knowing the Customer's differing terms without objection. Special terms for certain services or Tools, if any, apply alongside these GTC, with specific terms taking precedence in case of conflict. Free Tools offered without a contract are governed by these GTC to the relevant extent, under the premise that Frameloop offers no warranties for free services and makes no guarantees or assurances regarding functionality and availability.


Details on pricing, agreement duration, and granted access scope are specified in individual contracts. These terms supplement the GTC. In event of conflict, individual contract provisions prevail. Customers without such contracts can only use free Tools. General service descriptions, current Software and Tools specifications, and pricing are available on Frameloop's website. Promises, guarantees, or side agreements require Frameloop's written confirmation. Frameloop provides Software and Tools access as a software service over the internet ("software-as-a-service"). Support services are optional and subject to agreement. Frameloop is not obligated to provide support except as legally required. Paid service Customers may create accounts for Platform use. Frameloop may update Software functions, introduce new security measures, and discontinue or charge for free services. Customers affected by service changes will be notified at least two weeks in advance. Some Software functionalities depend on data from various sources. Frameloopprocesses only available data and may adjust functionalities based on data source changes. Significant functionality reductions allowing Customer contract termination are specified.

Obligations of the Customer

Customers must ensure provided information is accurate and update Frameloop on changes. Frameloop advises on technical requirements available on its website. Customers are responsible for meeting these requirements. Platform malfunctions must be reported promptly with detailed descriptions for effective remedy. Customers should maintain data backups and keep login details confidential. Password changes are recommended regularly, especially after suspected security breaches. Customers are liable for unauthorized Platform access due to insufficient security measures, unless Frameloop is timely notified. Customer data must not violate laws or third-party rights.Frameloop may suspend services for legal infringements, with Customers indemnifying Frameloop against related damages.

Data Access

Customers must provide necessary data for service delivery, ensuring Frameloop has required access rights. Customer data must comply with legal standards and not infringe third-party rights. Frameloop may suspend services for violations, with indemnity from the Customer.


Frameloop performs routine maintenance, aiming for 99% annual availability, excluding uncontrollable downtimes. Frameloop may restrict access for security reasons, notifying Customers of significant maintenance impacting availability.

Term and Termination

Agreement durations are outlined in individual contracts. Without such contracts, the agreement is indefinite, terminable with two weeks' notice. Fixed-term contracts auto-renew unless terminated before the current term's end. Frameloop does not refund cancellations for auto-renewed contracts. Post-contract, Frameloop is not obliged to store Customer data.

Payment Terms

Continuous charges apply as agreed or per Frameloop's price list, excluding explicitly free services. Prices are subject to change. Invoices can be delivered electronically, with payment default occurring 7 days post-invoice without reminder. Late payments incur statutory interest, with Frameloop reserving the right to additional damages. SEPA direct debit is available, requiring Customer mandates.

Refund Terms

Frameloop does not offer refunds because of associated AI costs incurred as part of running the service. When you signup for an account, you forfiet your right to claim refund in any scenario and accept this as part of our terms of use. To ensure output quality,Frameloop has built one of the best and easiest to use video editors to give unparalleled control over the output quality. Refer to our refund policy for full terms relating to this.

Copyright and License

Frameloop grants Customers a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable right to use the Software, Platform, and Tools, conditional on fee payment. The Platform is for intended use only, with misuse resulting in access termination.

Warranty and Limits

Frameloop ensures the Software is developed to standard, free of significant defects. Software suggestions do not guarantee specific results, with Customer responsibility for decision-making. Warranty claims expire within one year unless law mandates longer.

Limitation of Liability

Frameloop's liability is limited to contractually essential obligations and foreseeable damages for paid services, excluding slight negligence. For free services, liability is limited to intent or gross negligence. Liability exclusions extend to Frameloop personnel and agents.


Frameloop and Customers commit to confidentiality, protecting sensitive data. Frameloop staff is bound to secrecy, with penalties for breaches. Aggregated and anonymized data may be used for service improvement without disclosing Customer specifics.

Data Protection

Frameloop processes personal data as per its privacy policy, adhering to data protection laws for contract data processing.

Prohibited Content and Usage

1. Prohibited Content and Activities
Users of our AI-powered video creation service are strictly prohibited from generating, uploading, or distributing the following types of content:

1.1 Illegal Content
- Any content that violates local, state, national, or international laws and regulations.
- Content that promotes, depicts, or instructs in illegal activities.

1.2 Deepfakes and Misrepresentation
- Creation of deepfake videos or images, particularly those misrepresenting real individuals without their explicit consent.
- Any content that deliberately misrepresents or impersonates individuals, organizations, or government entities.

1.3 Intellectual Property Violations
- Content that infringes upon copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual property rights.
- Unauthorized use of proprietary material, including but not limited to music, images, videos, or text.

1.4 Explicit and Harmful Content
- Pornographic or sexually explicit material.
- Content depicting graphic violence or gore.
- Material promoting hate speech, discrimination, or extremist ideologies.

1.5 Misinformation and Deception
- Deliberate spreading of false or misleading information.
- Content designed to deceive or manipulate viewers.

2. User Responsibility and Compliance
2.1 Users are solely responsible for ensuring that all content created using our service complies with these Terms of Service and all applicable laws and regulations.
2.2 Users must obtain necessary permissions, licenses, or rights before incorporating any third-party content into their videos.
2.3 Our service reserves the right to review any content created or uploaded and may, at its sole discretion, remove content that violates these terms.

3. Consequences of Violation
3.1 Any violation of these Terms of Service may result in immediate suspension or termination of the user's account without prior notice.
3.2 In cases of severe or repeated violations, we reserve the right to permanently ban users from our service.
3.3 Users may be held legally responsible for any damages or liabilities arising from their violation of these terms, including but not limited to legal fees and compensation to affected parties.

4. Reporting Violations
4.1 Users are encouraged to report any content that violates these Terms of Service through our designated reporting channels.
4.2 We will investigate all legitimate reports and take appropriate action in a timely manner.

5. Amendments to Terms
5.1 We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes.
5.2 Continued use of our service after changes to the Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

By using our service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these Terms of Service. Failure to comply with these terms may result in the termination of your account and potential legal consequences.


Frameloop may amend these GTC, notifying Customers six weeks in advance with an objection right. Uncontested changes after six weeks or continued service use post-notification are deemed accepted.

Final Provisions

The legal relationship is governed by Indian law, excluding international laws. The jurisdiction is Delhi, India. Force majeure events suspend obligations. Amendments require written form, with electronic signatures acceptable. Invalid provisions do not affect the GTC's validity, replaced by legal regulations.