Refund And Cancellation Policy

FAQ on Refund and Cancellations

1. Can I cancel my plan in case I don`t need it?
Yes, you can cancel at any time by contacting our customer support at No questions asked.

2. What happens when I cancel my plan ?
You subscription will end at the end of your billing cycle. You can use any remaining credits till then.

3. What will happen to the videos I generated prior to cancellation ?
Those videos will still be accessible to you upon login to your account. You are free to use the credits you received while your plan was active. You can continue to use them for purposes covered under your plan terms.

4. What do you use for processing payments ?
We use Paddle as our payment processor which is the most trusted and secure way to process online payments. We don`t store or process any credit card information.

5. Will I get a refund after I cancel my plan ?
Unfortunately we cannot offer refund because AI is costly and our providers do not offer us refund. When you signup for an account, you are accepting this as part of our terms of use. To ensure that you are happy with the video quality, we have built one of the best and easiest to use video editors, which gives you full control over the outcome.

6. Can I get a refund if I do not like the output after using my credits ?
Unfortunately No. When you agree to use our service, you accept that AI output quality can vary a lot. We have an easy to use editor to change images and voiceover for handling cases like these.