
Teach To Sell - Counterintuitive Content Strategy To Boost Sales Today

Teach To Sell - Counterintuitive Content Strategy To Boost Sales Today

Here's why you should dedicate 80% of your content to teaching your audience, especially through quick 30-120 second videos.

The Power of Short Videos

TikTok and Instagram have changed the game. People's attention spans are shrinking - Statista reports that the average human attention span dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to just 8 seconds in 2022. But here's the kicker: while we struggle to focus on long content, engagement with short videos is skyrocketing.

A study by Wyzowl found that 69% of consumers prefer to learn about a product or service through a short video. Even more surprising, HubSpot reports that short-form videos have the highest ROI of any social media marketing strategy.

Why Education Trumps Promotion

You might think that using 80% of your content for education instead of promotion is counterintuitive. But the data says otherwise:

  1. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 95% of B2B buyers view content as trustworthy when evaluating a company and its offerings.

  2. Conductor found that consumers are 131% more likely to buy from a brand immediately after reading educational content.

  3. A study by Aberdeen shows that companies using educational content marketing retain 41% more of their subscribers than those that don't.

Real-World Success Stories

Let's look at three companies that nailed educational content:

  1. Blendtec: Their "Will It Blend?" series on YouTube, featuring 2-minute videos of their blenders pulverizing everyday objects, increased sales by 700%. They educated viewers on the power of their blenders in an entertaining way.

  2. Home Depot: Their short DIY tutorial videos on TikTok, often under a minute long, have garnered millions of views. The company reported a 35% increase in online sales, partly attributed to this content strategy.

  3. Hubspot: Their educational blog and video content strategy led to a 50% year-over-year increase in site traffic. Their Academy, offering free courses, has over 100,000 subscribers.

How to Make This Work for You

  1. Identify common questions: What do your customers constantly ask about? Turn each question into a 30-second video.

  2. Show, don't tell: Use your products to solve real problems. If you sell knives, show how to chop an onion without crying in 60 seconds.

  3. Be platform-specific: Create vertical videos for TikTok, Instagram and YouTube Shorts.

  4. Add captions: 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. Make sure your message gets across silently.

  5. End with a clear next step: Tell viewers where to find more info or how to use your product.

The 80/20 Rule in Action

For every 10 pieces of content you create:

  • 8 should be educational videos, blog posts, or infographics
  • 2 can be direct promotions or sales pitches

This ratio builds trust and positions you as an expert, making those 2 promotional pieces much more effective.

Measuring Success

Don't just track views. Look at:

  • Watch time: Are people sticking around?
  • Engagement: Are they commenting or sharing?
  • Website traffic: Are viewers visiting your site?
  • Sales: Is there a correlation between video views and purchases?

In conclusion, short, educational videos aren't just a trend – they're the future of content marketing. By focusing 80% of your efforts on teaching rather than selling, you'll build a loyal audience that trusts your brand and turns to you when it's time to buy. Start small, be consistent, and watch your business grow.


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